Hundreds of voters from Maharashtra region are registering as voters in Bodhan constituency in minority area polling booths in Bodhan Constituency. Today the planning association lodged a complaint with Telangana state CEO Vikas Raj garu along with minority area polls in Bodhan constitution. Moreover, it has been requested to appoint a special officer for Bodhan constituency for the voter registration process to continue without any hindrance in Bodhan constituency. Along with us state executive members Medapati Prakash Reddy garu, Vaddi Mohan Reddy garu also participated.
సమాజ నిర్మాణంలో విశ్వ ‘కర్మ’ల తిరుగులేని పాత్రను మరింత పటిష్టం చేసే PM విశ్వ కర్మ యోజన !
The PM Vishwakarma Yojana has positively impacted the Nizamabad parliamentary constituency, with 689 beneficiaries...